Get More from Your Google Ads

At Responsive PPC, we’re business owners, too.

We know what it’s like to invest time and money (along with a good amount of hope) in Google Ads, only to be frustrated and disappointed with the results.

We believe you deserve better results from your Google Ads.

We know what it’s like to invest time and money (along with a good amount of hope) in Google Ads, only to be frustrated and disappointed with the results.

That’s why we take the guesswork out of Google Ads by creating and maintaining stellar campaigns that help you get the most out of your advertising budget. We’re here to make sure you never have to be confused about where your money is going or wonder about the return on your investment ever again.

As a Google Certified Premier Partner, we’ve spent 16 years managing hundreds of Google Ads clients. With our help, you can stop worrying about wasting money on advertising that doesn’t work and focus on building the business you want instead.

Pay Per Click: What is it and How Does it Work?

According to, the traffic brought through PPC advertising yields 50% more conversions than organic advertising. According to
WordLead, Google search ads have an average ROI of 200% – for every $1 an advertiser invests, they earn $2 through Google ads.

For nearly 20 years, pay per click has been one of the most widely used marketing strategies for getting leads and sales, with no signs of letting up. It’s also one of the easiest marketing channels to waste your money on if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s where we come in. Once you understand the in’s and out’s of pay per click marketing, you will launch better, more profitable ad campaigns, thereby
growing your business quicker and more efficiently.

Discover how our pay per click marketing company can help your company grow

What is PPC?

PPC, or pay-per-click, is an online marketing model where advertisers pay a fee each time a user clicks on the ad. When PPC marketing is working, the fee is nominal because the traffic to your website is worth much, much more. (For example, if I pay $4 per click, but a click resulted in a $400 sale, that’s a sweet profit.)

Pay per click marketing (also known as search engine marketing or SEM) is used to build brands, promote offers, and drive traffic from a targeted audience – meaning you can reach your audience precisely when they’re looking for what you offer. SEM is one of the only “demand capture” marketing channels (meaning you can snag a customer already looking for your product or service)

Take social media advertising, for example (of which we are huge proponents). When you run a Facebook or Instagram ad, you are looking to generate demand for your product or service. Most people that see your ad on these platforms aren’t searching for what you’re offering- you have to convince them to buy it. With pay per click ads on Google, the user is already looking for what you have to offer you just have to convince them why your product or service is better than your competitors.

What Different Types of PPC Ads Are There?

Google ads offer several types of PPC ad marketing campaigns, each that can help you build your online
presence and promote your offers and services to your ideal audience. Taking into consideration your goals and
budget, we will work closely with you to determine the appropriate PPC ads to use.

These are just a few of the various types of pay per click ads to select from:

Search Ads

When someone types something into a Google search, search ads are the text ads that typically appear at the top of the results. This is the most common type of ad on Google. While we love SEO and think any Google marketing program should have both SEO and PPC, PPC can get you to the top of the page instantly – SEO can take months (if not years).

Display Ads

These ads are everywhere and can get you in front of the vast majority of internet users. Display ads appear on Google’s partner websites. They target those who have visited Industry-related sites. While not typically as effective as search ads, display ads can still be an excellent opportunity to expand your reach and introduce new consumers to your business.

Remarketing Ads

Yep, these are the annoying ads that follow you around after you visit a website. But they work! Remarketing ads keep your business at the forefront of the user’s mind. People aren’t always ready to contact you or make a purchase right away. Sometimes they need time to think about it. Remarketing ads allow them to see other selling points and remind them of your business.

Shopping Ads

Are you selling a product? There’s no better way to get in front of the right people than with Google shopping ads. These ads allow viewers to see an image of your product as well as price point, so they know exactly what they’re getting. These PPC ads appear above or beside the main Google search results, allowing viewers to see products and prices before they even click onto a website. This means that every click you pay for has a significantly higher chance of converting.

YouTube Ads

YouTube ads have the highest barrier to entry, but they can be a cost-effective option to sell your product or service. If you already have video content (which is highly recommended in this day and age), we can easily get your ad In front of millions of YouTube viewers. Do your competitors have popular videos? We can advertise your business right on their videos!

Discovery Ads

The newest offering from Google, Discovery ads, gets your ad on Google feeds. These are used by the vast majority of Android users. It can show your ad on the YouTube homepage, “Watch Next” feeds, alongside streaming videos, and in Gmail. This is another way to reach those not necessarily searching on Google but would be interested in your product or service if it was shown to them.

How Does Marketing on Google Work?

A lot goes into building a successful SEM campaign. While several platforms are available, Google Ads dominates the vast majority of all search marketing dollars and ad placements.

Search and shopping ads (the most common pay per click ad format) work by having advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their business When a keyword or phrase is searched, Google chooses a winner from a pool of advertisers – all who bid for the coveted ad space-based on their ad rank within the system. The ad rank is determined by an advertiser’s bid and quality score. The winner gets to appear at the top of the Google results page.

Depending on the type of ad, there’s typically only a handful of placements for each search completed on Google. Each ad placement is extremely valuable, which is why it is vital to have a Google Ads expert to ensure you’re spending your advertising dollars efficiently

Sure, you can do it yourself, and sometimes that will work just fine. We audit hundreds of accounts per year, many that are self-managed. Trust us when we tell you – you will save money using an expert (even with the management fee). Why? Google makes it very easy to spend money on ads, but a challenge to spend it efficiently. Unfortunately, their goals and your goals don’t always align. However, your goals and our goals can.

With Us, You’ll Boost Your Quality Score and
Online Revenue

Google ads offer several types of PPC ad marketing campaigns, each that can help you build your online
presence and promote your offers and services to your ideal audience. Taking into consideration your goals and
budget, we will work closely with you to determine the appropriate PPC ads to use.

At Responsive PPC, we will:

Work with you to establish your SEM goals


Identify your target campaign metrics


Put tracking in place so you know exactly what you're getting from each ad dollar


Plan out your PPC campaign structure

We work quickly but diligently to ensure that you have new visitors to your website, more leads, and sales for your business. Over time,
we will continually optimize your campaigns to reduce your customer acquisition costs while growing your business,

PPC advertising can be complex and, of course, highly technical, but don’t worry. Our experts will help you navigate the intricacies of SEM and teach you how to integrate it with your SEO and online marketing efforts. We don’t just manage our clients’ ad dollars, we partner
with them to show them what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and what you’re getting out of it

Partner with us at Responsive PPC, and soon, just sit back and soak up the benefits of our PPC advertising services!

Why PPC Marketing Will Work For You

The truth is, PPC on Google can work for nearly every business. The reason is that the pricing in the auction is market-based. If you can pay $20 for a quality lead, then it’s safe to assume that’s the market value your competitors can pay as well (don’t worry, if you don’t
know those numbers, we’ll help you figure it out).

Additional factors can make the process more complex. For example, your competitor might be willing to pay more or have a higher conversion rate. Or they might have lower conversion rates, lower quality scores, and a less experienced team managing the ads. That is precisely why it’s best to partner with professionals like Responsive PPC. Not only will we help you understand the competitive
landscape, but we’ll do everything we can to outperform them.

These are just a few reasons why you should invest in PPC ads for your business services:

Low Barrier To Entry

  • No minimum budget
  • No commiment
  • You can launch and see same-day results
  • All you need is a website (and money)


  • Zeroing in on specific keywords to specific neighborhoods, we can find the people looking for the exact service or product you’re offering.
  • There’s no guessing who’s seeing your ads. We control everything from the keyword they type in, where they are located, and the type of ad they see.


  • In many cases, you’ll see new leads and sales on the same day we launch!
  • Over time, we’ll continually improve the campaigns, but we’ll see data as soon as we’re live.
  • We’re firm believers in SEO (search engine optimization), but it’s most effective when paired with PPC, getting you both short and long term results.


  • Our experts will create multiple versions of your campaign for split testing. Once we see which campaign converts the best, we can launch that particular campaign and get you the best possible conversion rate.


  • Responsive will track everything from leads to phone calls to sales, providing you with all the data you need about your campaign. There will be no guesswork as to whether or not your advertising dollars are delivering you results.

Customized Approach

  • Every business is unique, and our approach is entirely customizable to your needs. Let us know which aspects of your campaign are most important to you, and that’s what we will focus on.

Why Should You Choose Responsive PPC Over Another Agency?

Responsive PPC partners with each of our clients to grow their business together. We’re not an agency that disappears on you, sending a report and a bill once a month. We are with you every step of the way, from guiding you through the numbers, to diving deep into your business so we completely understand your target customer, ROI, and business model.

We customize our approach to each of our clients. Whether it’s your preferred method of communication or reporting cadence and style, we’ll accommodate your needs and specifications.


Most agencies will promise you expertise, customized reporting, and expedited growth. It sounds great, but next thing you know, they’ve assigned the team member with zero professional experience to manage your account. At Responsive PPC, our owner, with more than 16 years of PPC marketing experience, is the lead on all of our accounts. (And yes, we have team members with varying levels of experience, but they are always being overseen by an expert).

When you hire Responsive PPC, here’s what you can expect from us:

PPC & Marketing Audit

If you’ve run PPC ads before, we’ll audit your account, history, and analytics. We’ll also perform a thorough, competitive analysis to find out what they are doing. If you’re running any other advertising channels, we’ll look at those too. We want to understand how everything is performing together to grow your business.


It’s in our name. Not only do we run ads that your customers will respond to, but we also make ourselves fully available for all of our clients. Whether it’s email, call, or text, we’ll respond promptly and address each of your requests. We’re always available during regular business hours, and, if it’s of vital importance, we can make ourselves available after hours. (However, we do have families and personal lives, and ask our clients to please respect our lives outside of the office. Just know that we are doing all we can to grow your business!)

Customized Reporting

We build our reports for each client Individually. Some want a simple one-page report each month while others want a detailed weekly analysis. We will plan out reporting specifics before we start working together, and adjustments can always be made as needed.


Our owner spent years managing hundreds of clients and multi-million dollar budgets at large agencies. However, he eventually chose to develop a more personal approach to Google Ads management. Since launching Responsive PPC, he has helped hundreds of clients all over the United States grow their businesses with expert Google Ads management. For many of these clients, he has taken the time and initiative to meet face-to-face, reinforcing the fact that you are more than just another client to us. We’re partners.

We’re a team of certified Google ads professionals that have reached partner status with Google (which means they monitor the number of accounts we have, how often we make changes, and the total dollars we manage). Does this prove we know what we’re
doing? Not at all! But it helps show that we’re a legit company with history.

Over the past 16 years, we’ve managed hundreds of clients across a wide array of verticals. From budgets of $500/month to $5 million and B2C to B2B – we’ve done it all. With Responsive PPC’s vast experience in SEM, you can be sure you are in good hands.

Are You Ready to Partner with Responsive PPC?

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